best price car insurance

best price car insurance

best price car insurance


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:QUOTESDEAL.NET





Low cost car insurance in California?

I'm a young driver with no previous driving experience who needs low cost auto insurance coverage in California, where can I get it?



Car Insurance Question (regarding insurance)?

Hello, I have an insurance question. Last December, my wife, 2 y/o daughter, & I were involved in a car accident. The other driver was at fault, this was noted on the police report. My wife & daughter both required medical attention. My daughter suffered a broken leg & has since recovered. Unfortunately, my wife's recovery is taking a little longer. She required immediate surgery on her wrist & needs daily physical therapy. Although I have a laywer, car insurance & health insurance, I've had to front enormous amounts of money to cover medical expenses. My health insurance will not reimburse me for expenses. Can I ask my car insurance company to help me out with expenses? They know the other party is at fault (police report says so). I've had to liquidate stocks & savings to make ends meet. I'm now out of money. I was not at fault, yet I'm being punished. Any advice on how to get reimbursed ASAP? My settlement probably will not occur until next July.



Car for teenager. please help?

So I'm really interested in the 2012 Mercedes slk350. Its 499 a month but how much would insurance be? My parent make about 200k a year but will they be able to afford that? I really want this car but i need to know what the average insurance for a teenager is.. thank you so much for your help



How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?

How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?



Should I get rental insurance for my apartment?

I don't have any expensive appliances. I only have used funiture and my clothes. Lately I have seen a lot of apartment fires on the news and now I am indecisive about getting rental insurance for my apartment.



Is there any insurance company that accepts sr22 insurance required cdl driver who need just bobtail insurance?

I have sr22 restriction on my cdl. And just bought my truck. Its really hard to find Bobtail insurance some ppl call it non trucking liability insurance because of my driving record or sr22 (I guess its samething). Is there any insurance company or agency out there who might accept?



Where can i get auto insurance online?

I was looking to buy auto insurance online. anyone know where to start looking



How much is car insurance usually?

thinking about buying my first car soon and im just trying to figure out my financial situation. i know the price can vary but an estimate on how much car insurance is would be nice. thanks



How much would auto insurance cost for a 16 year old male on a 1997 Chevrolet Camaro?

I am going to be getting my license soon, and I would like a car that has a nice look to it, but won't break my bank on insurance. I have a job, and I am a high school student. (As stated in the question) I am considering purchasing a 1997 Chevrolet Camaro for what I think is a fair price. I am wondering what an average monthly insurance cost would be from anyone educated in this area, since all of the insurance companies require you to submit all of your information or meet with them for a quote. I have a 3.983 cumulative GPA right now, and I am very cautious (Not saying accidents can't happen, but figure in a safe driver discount). Thank you in advance for any advice.



Do you think insurance policies are a waste of money?

i dont mean the ones we all have to have like motor and house insurance. I mean, small insurances for electical goods etc



Should I open a whole life insurance policy or a 401k first?

I met with a financial consultant who told me that the 401k is the last thing I should start. She says it makes more sense to open the whole life which compounds 8% return on my money yearly and pays a yearly dividend. Which is smarter to do first?



How to report uninsured car in CA?

Someone hit our car in a walmart parking lot. Our tail light was broken and the estimated cost to replace it is $420-$500. Since it is under $750, we didn't report to police or DMV. However, the driver didn't have insurance card in the car and gave us bogus information about their insurance. We only have their license plate and a walmart security person as witness. How do we track down this person or report uninsured driver/car? We are in San Diego, CA.



Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?

Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?



Whats cheap car to insure and run?

ive been trying to find cheap cars to insure, and it comes up with 2010 models that the car costs 12,000 i want something old cheap reliable for fuel car cost and insurance, i dont really care what year but im guessing the older cars like 1980s will be cheaper



Why have my health insurance premiums increase 72% over the last few months?

I received a letter a few months ago that my premiums would be increasing due to the ACA. I never thought they would increase by 72%. I thought President Obama said our premiums would decrease dramatically. Full coverage + Vision and dental 31/m non smoker (very healthy and active) Haven't been to the doctor in years Golden Rule United Healthcare Premiums a few months ago $193 per month $35 co pay $1500 deductible Premium starting next month $267 w/ same co pay and deductible WTF? I make roughly $2200 a month before taxes and fail to see how this is affordable.



Life insurance rates in CA vs TX?

for the same coverage (i.e. $500K 30 years term life) is life insurance cheaper in CA or in TX? We are going to be moving to TX in the next couple of months, and we want to buy life insurance. I'd like to know if we are better of buying it here in CA or wait till we get to TX.



A break in car insurance between my old and new car?

Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp



How long do I have once I cancel my auto insurance in Florida?

Okay so I just got a quote from Geico that is half of what I'm paying my current insurance company. My insurance payment is due the 23rd though. Now they told me that the whole process of signing up would take from a few days to 30. I wont be driving my car these holidays so would it be possible for me to cancel my coverage with the other company and sign up with Geico. If I cancel will my license get suspended? I just don't wanna have to send the tag back because it cost me 400 dollars to take out.



How do insurance companies categorize cars?

How do they determine which cars is going to cost more than others... Which factor of a car means you're going to have to pay 1000 more than another... And why so expensive? After a while surely you've paid more than the cars worth?



What would motorcycle insurance cost for 17 yr old guy, kawasaki ninja 250R?

what would an average motorcycle insurance cost for me? i am looking for a ball-park estimate and understand that there are MANY other factors which matter... If anyone has an idea, what would be like the MAX price for a good insurance... i've seen that insurance prices can range from 200-400 yearly, but i want to make sure that after i get the motorcycle i dont find that the insucance is like 1000 /yr. Thanks



Car Insurance: Driving Parents Car?

I have Insurance With State Farm on my vehicle. Currently it is being repaired and I have no car. I need to drive a car to get to work and school. They have State Farm also, but on a different policy. Both Insurance policies say Uninsured motorist on the card. I live in North Carolina (insurance is required) Could I drive my parents car? If I get pulled over what will happen?



Bad Faith Auto Insurance?

Should I hire an attorney for this?, I purchased a policy online a few months ago within the first few days that i had this insurance I had a storm and damaged my vehicle (minor) with hail damaged I submitted out a claim, appraiser was sent they covered the loss sent a check to me, now i take it to the bodyshop and try to have it fixed but they need a supplement, they contact insurance co. but insurance co, makes many excuses over this they state I dont have full coverage which I do, and it was verfied with them that i do, the next few weeks pass and then I finally get a call from a manager at the insurance company stating that they mistakenly sent me out a check because I made a false claim report, they said that they can tell by my pictures before policy was bought that vehicle had damaged (which is an excuse of denying supplement) and stated the the adjuster overlooked everything point here is that insurance co, cancelled my policy by stating underwriting issues, so now Im without insurance coverage, the manager also stated she reported this to the texas state but mentioned she could not put a stop payment on the check and that I could still use it to fix the car or cashout the check... I am really dissapointed at how all this was handelled, Im thinking about getting an attorney, I already discussed and this issue with the Insurance company and Im basicly told that I lied about the claim and they end my call... Should I wait to get an attorney or should I just get one and go from there? I believe this is bad faith insurance coverage, What should I do? I mean I still have the check it is not cashed out, I cant really do much with this check everyone charges an arm and a leg, can they file insurance fraud charges and if so even though I know I did everything right should I get an attorney?



Where can i get less expensive car insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?

Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i can't recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.



If an insurance company estimated the damage on my car at $800 and I later find out it is way more can I go ba?

My car got hit, their insurance company sent me to a mechanic shop to get an estimate, they said $823 and the insurance sent me the check. I just took the car to the dealership and they said the damage was $3100, can I go back to the insurance and ask for the difference?



Is Future Generali(Future group) insurance good?

Hi, I am planning to take a life insurance policy, can I go for Future group's new venture Future Generali or is it safe to go with LIC.Kindly suggest me on the basis of how good they're in Service, and claims. Thanks, Jagadish


best price car insurance

best price car insurance


How can Americans like me stay healthy if we don't have access to affordable health care?

Or have the money to purchase insurance?



Will a seatbelt violation afect my insurance rate in california?

Will a seatbelt violation afect my insurance rate in california?



Insurance cost for you?-wondering please help!!!:/?

Ok im 16 1/2applying for insurance for my car. I am outraged at the annual average yearly cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats your opinion on what company I should choose?-and whats the rough cost you pay about monthly/yearly? helpp!



Insurance on a Hummer H1?

how much would that cost?



Will the healthcare reform change the age limit on children on parents insurance?

I'm 25 and one of the great things about the affordable care act was that I was allowed on my parents insurance until I'm 26... Will this change? I'm still in school and there is no way I can afford insurance on my own!!!



Is there any way i can get off your parents insurance?

because i want to apply for my own insurance. 17, 18 in 60 days.



What is the average price of auto insurance with 1 adult and 1 teen driver with Allstate?

What is the average price of auto insurance with 1 adult and 1 teen driver with Allstate?



Cost to Insure Skyline.?

got a R34 GT-r. maybe thinking about downgrading to a GT-s R33 cuz i the insurance is a little ridiculous. $640 Thats full coverage and im only 19 :P turnng 20 soon. Which would be more to insure and what you think it would cost to insure the R33? I do have 1 speeding ticket and one wreckless driving back when i was 16.



I need to get some car insurance quotes!?

What are the best sites to get a free quote? Also what is the basic insurance you should get?



Do i need to call my car insurance company?

I was in a car accident today and it was not a small accident. I hit a car on its side. there was an older woman so an ambulance came but she ended up not being hurt, just procautionary. the police were called and they took all my info and whatnot. It was wierd the police did not give me any papers or anything and told me i could leave. they just asked me if i wanted my car towed and i said no. the police officer also told me when i asked him that i dont need to call my insurance company unless i want to make a claim. is that true? i only have 1 way insurance so im probably going to scrap my car. I always thought u should call them no matter what, do you know if i am obligated to call them or will they contact me? location: Quebec, Canada thanks a bunch, Tyler



Which company offers the best medicare qualified health and prescription drug insurance in California?

I'm trying to find the best and most affordable medicare covered health and prescription insurance option for an elderly person who receives less than 24,000.00 annually from Social Security and one pension, who lives near Sacramento, California. This person has been using HealthNet for doctor and specialist visits and it is a policy which includes a prescription drug plan. By Jan 1, 2010 HealthNet no longer will offer this policy in the Sacramento, CA area. This person uses one prescription medication daily and the total retail price for that drug is approx. 100.00 monthly and under the expiring HealthNet plan the drug costs this person only 40.00 per month..



California renters insurance?

I reside in california and i am going to rent an apartment. Is personal liability required in renters insurance or is it optional?



I am turning 16 soon and I am a guy, What is a car that is sporty, but is safe and has low insurance?

I need help selecting a car... I want a car that is sporty, has low insurance, and safe and very reliable with good MPG



Is there a motorcycle insurance company in ontario that can give rates similar to progressive?

PLUS they have to be able to insure 16 year olds, and the rate i got from progressive was 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not full coverage its the middle one),, i have m1, and have a 08 zzr600



Cheap Car Insurance in Fl?

I'm a 17 year old girl and I have a 95 Pontiac Firebird . What are some super cheap car insurances in Florida . I just need the basic coverage , like just the state minimum . Can somebody please tell me some cheap insurance companies !



How much does a hyundai sonata usually cost to insure in MA?

My sister is trying to buy a used 2006 hyundai sonata and we were wondering how much a month it usually costs to insure it? She's only 21 and has had her license for four years without an accident? She tried to get a quote from gieco but they only showed the six month plan. Any helpful information about the car or insurance would be greatly appreciated!



What is the best insurance and the cheapest one you think?

What is the best insurance and the cheapest one you think?



I need cat insurance?

Does anybody know of pet/cat insurance in california that is affordable?



Were would i find price range for car insurance?

im doing a power point on insurance and i need to find the best price range for car insurance



What is the Best Health Insurance For Pregnant women?

My husband and I are TTC. He just got laid off and he had Amazing health insurance...We had the Blue care network which had a Zero Deductible and only a 10 co pay. Pre Natal, more



Car insurance question.?

Basically, I am hoping to pass my test this October. I am 20, and am looking to be insured on my dads car. He has a 7 seater Mitsubishi Spacewagon. It is now worth about 9,000. I was wondering if anyone knew ROUGHLY how much insurance may cost? Would it be cheaper to get my own small car and insure it myself rather than being a second driver on a more expensive car? Thank you!!!!



How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?

How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?



How much car insurance ?

Hi, i am a 17 year old. i am wondering how much could i realistically expect to pay for insurance on a Infiniti G35.. i understand it will be high.. but i will have a job , so im trying to play with the numbers to see if i can handle it. how much would it be a month? i understand the affects i have on it. 17 sports car foriegn car Male but i have a 3.0 gpa took drivers education. apparently these raise and the others deduct. how much could i realistically expect to pay a month.



Is free Health Insurance and Food Stamps considered economics?

My sister says food stamps and health insurance are government. What are they exactly?



True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?

True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?


best price car insurance

best price car insurance


Can I purchase auto insurance without car registration?

Hello guys and gals, I need your helps here, I live in California and I currently own two cars (A and B), car A which I am planning to sell has not been driven in a year (2011-2012), also I did not buy the car insurance for car A since I don't drive it anymore, in this year (2012) after I paid for the car registration renewal fee for car A, I received a letter from California DMW, stated that they were unable to send me a registration card unless I can provide them with evidences of auto insurance for car A, and unfortunately, I lost all the previous registration cards of car A during moves, so in this case, will I be able to purchase auto insurance for car A without showing registration card to the insurance agent but only with Drive's License, VIN number, etc.? Or alternatively, can I use the insurance of car B to complete registration renewal for car A? Thank you in advance.



What do I look for in a company to insure my quarter horse for loss of use, mortality and surgery?

If one had an expensive barrel horses what would they look for in a company to insure them. ONly looking for protection on loss of use, death, theft and major surgery. Who are some of the better companies?



Auto insurance question, need help!!?

I have no idea about these questions, could someone explain them? Your neighbor has his own insurance policy with State Farm with the same coverages that you have with your Allstate Auto Policy. So when he says his insurance will cover an accident, you loan him your car. He promptly runs into a tree, causing $2,500 in damage to your car. How much will your insurance policy pay? A. $ 0 B. $ 2,000 C. $ 2,500 D. State Farm will pay E. Cannot be determined You are at the North Carolina coast when Hurricane Irene hits. Although you are able to get away, you have to leave your car and luggage behind. The hurricane blows your car into a tree, causing considerable damage and the trunk to open. Your luggage is then blown away and never recovered. It costs $8,000 to repair your car. The value of your luggage was $500. Your policy will pay: A. $ 7,500 B. $ 7,700 C. $ 8,000 D. $ 8,200 E. $ 8,500 After pumping gas in your new car, you forget to remove the hose from your gas tank. As you drive off, the hose breaks spilling some gasoline and starting a fire. The fire causes $325,000 in damage to the gas station. You are held responsible for the entire loss. Your policy will pay: A. $ 0 B. $ 100,000 C. $ 300,000 D. $ 325,000 E. None of the above Your twelve-year-old brother, who does not have a drivers license, is visiting you on campus and while sitting in your car playing with the transmission, he puts the car in drive and drives it into the front door of your sorority (or fraternity) house. The damage to your house is $22,000 and your car costs $5,500 to repair. Your brother is hurt, goes to the emergency room and is released with a few bandages and a bill for $1,500 Your policy will pay: A. $ 0 B. $ 1,500 C. $ 5,000 D. $ 6,500 E. None of the above



How much do you pay for car insurance in Hawaii?

I have an 06 Toyota Prius and I pay around $450 a month in car insurance. I live on Maui. Is this normal?



Why chevrolet insurance is cheap in alberta, canada?

Why chevrolet insurance is cheap in alberta, canada?



Cheapest Auto Insurance Online?!?

Im trying to find cheap liability coverage. My contract ends this Friday and Im trying to find a cheaper rate, has anyone had any luck with sites like, etc? Thanks for any advice!



Whats the best car insurance comparison site for older drivers?

Whats the best car insurance comparison site for older drivers?



How can i get insurance for myself like not for a car?

my friend said he has insurance for himself so he can drive any car and be insured he doesn't have it for a specific car how can i get this



Temporary test-drive car insurance for under 21s?

I am 19 years old and have just passed my driving test. I would like to buy my own little car now, but it's my understanding that I have to have insurance to test drive a car. Obviously there is little point in buying a year's worth of insurance for a car that i might not buy, but I'm struggling to find a company that offers 24 hour cover for young drivers, under the age of about 23. Any suggestions?? Do you know any companies that do provide cover for young divers?? I really don't want to have to buy a car without test-driving it, but I also don't want to wait 4 years. :(



What's the cheapest new car in terms of insurance?

Strictly in terms of insuring the vehicle, which new vehicle would be the cheapest? Preferably an SUV, but a sedan would do as well.



Meeting deductibles on health insurance?

okay so i am looking at the blue cross blue shield family plan in texas and for us three it costs $164 a month with a $2500 deductibile and then they pay 80% of the costs. So my question is, what does the deductible mean? sorry i come from free healthcare in the UK so I'm not used to paying for medical insurance. How does one meet a $2500 deductible before the insurance company can start paying for the rest of the medical stuff?? Is it met by constant hospital visits? doc visits? constant lab and xray tests?



When is the affordable care act being voted on?

When is the affordable care act being voted on? And if it is repealed how long will it take till insurance coverage from Parents plan is taken away from young adults?



Health Insurance ????????????

I'm going to live in china for a year and would like to have insurance. I'm just living over there and wont have a job so i wont have health insurance. When i quit my job to move to china I wont have insurance so i need to get some for a whole year. Can someone point me in the right direction to get health insurance. Does anybody know what a basic health insurance plan for a year would cost. Any help would be appreciated. thanks



How much would insurance cost for a 16 Y/O Girl with a 1997 Nissan Maxima GLE?

I'm buying a Maxima and I'm turning 17 in February. I plan on getting the car on the road next month and I have a 10% discount from my driving school for taking drivers ed. How much would insurance cost (roughly) per month for a 16 year old girl with a 1997 Nissan Maxima GLE?



Is car insurance expensive?

Im about to get my driver licence and my mom told me that car insurance is really expensive and that's the reason why she wont buy me a car.



How many hours do you have to work in California to be eligible for health insurance?

I work 35 hours a week, and have no health insurance. Am I eligible? Should I question this?



Is there a free health insurance in usa? arizona?

Is there a free health insurance in usa? arizona?



What is a good cheap first car to get?

Ok so I'm 17.. learning to drive and want to know what would be a cheap to run but good car to have, whats cheap on tax/insurance etc.. I really have no idea about cars thanks



Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive?

Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive?



Can someone please help me with a question about affordable health insurance? Please some info?

Where could a 56 year old female find some legitimate affordable health insurance? I would appreicate any advice you could pass along. Thank You so Much!!



Can a financial advisor from AXA sell you New York life insurance?

I'd like to know if a financial advisor that works for AXA Advisors offer clients New York Life insurance products. Thanks in advance! I'm in CA by the way.



How much will my insurance go up after a DUI??

I got a D.U.I. and i am going to get my license back soon and i am wondering how much my insurance will be compared to before.



Cheapest Car Insurance for under 25 MA drivers?

Have 4 speeding tickets. Learned that Ill have to pay an additional 500 because of this. My parents have been paying but Ive been told they payed 2600 a year! Is there any cheaper car insurance out there with minimal coverage?



Gap insurance on salvaged vehicle?

I recently bought a salvaged 2006 Honda Civic Ex for $10,800. The only damage that this car received was the airbag was blown during an accident. But it was replaced ever since. How will gap insurance work for this salvaged car?



Cars with cheap insurance?

I am 17 and hold a full UK provisional license. I am having driving lessons. I'm just wondering of any cars with cheap insurance for when I pass my test as I'll be getting a car for my birthday in October. I am a girl so no boy racing cars


best price car insurance

best price car insurance


Is it possible to claim repair costs on car insurance?

If their hasn't been an accident? i.e. If your car breaks down and their roadside recovery people have to tow you home,can you then get a diagnosis for the problem and claim it on insurance?



Is this typical for insurance for a 17 year old?!?

I just bought my first car Saturday. My dad went to the DMV to get it registered and insured. Then, he called our insurance company to get a quote for how much driver's insurance is for a 16 year old female. If you take driver's ed, watch a state farm video, and have a G.P.A above 3.0, comes to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! That's with driver's ed, and a G.P.A above 3.0! Now my parents are really upset, 'cuz that's thousands of extra dollars a year--not on gas, not on the vehicle itself...Just insurance! They're not sure I can get my license now b/c of it. This really frustrates me. I will be 17 in a couple months, and I really, really, really want to get my driver's license. I have a car, I'll buy the gas, but the insurance is astounding! So my question is, is $88 A MONTH typical for other companies/ or in other states (We're in AZ).



If I have no car or house, do i still have to pay taxes and insurance?

When I'm 18, i will use the bus and an apartment in Miami do i sitll have to pay any type of taxes? (besides the money taken from my paycheck at work) Also, is the only insurance i have to pay is life insurance and health insurance? How much will those cost me?



Cheap car insurance?

any one know where the best place to cheap car insurance, my dad is going to insure a car for me to teach me to drive, it needs to be in his name but i ned to be a driver on the policy.



Can I get a company car as a Farmers Insurance Co. Agent?

So im becoming a Farmers Insurance Agent. I'd like to know if I can get a company car to commute to and from work and if possible for private use? I currently do not have a car but I am a licensed driver. My office will be 30 miles away, one way only so 60 miles each day. I currently have no money to purchase a new car and I've no work experience either. I'm not sure if Farmers offers company cars but I'd believe they do. Any advice? Thanks in advance.



Were can you get cheap car insurance?

i am 17 years old. i have ford kA and i am trying to look for cheap insurance cn any one help? xx



Can you apply for health insurance with a work permit?

United States only. people with the differed action, that obama passed a few months ago are planning to apply for health insurance. Are they able to ? and if they are how will it work







How can you make insurance for your car cheaper?

Young driver and cannot find any reasonable insurance companies at all!



Can i do this with my car insurance?

am actually going to be out of the country for 6 months for some work purpose my car is just going to be sitting there in the garage during this period is it ok for me to change my car insurance from full coverage to just the basic.. is this a good move so thati could save some on my insurance can i tell my insurance the above ..or will they cause any issue because of this



Which to get first insurance or a car?

Alright so I'm living on my own going to college in a different state then my parents. I really dont have the best relationship with them either so i know they wouldn't add me on theirs. Which do you get first your insurance or car? What order do you go about doing things? License first then insurance, and then car?



When you have a car accident and you are at fault and pay through your insurance, by how much will your All?

By how much will you All State insurance premium raise.



What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?

What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?



Best health insurance?

Im looking for a great health insurance. One that is reasonable with cost. My location is kansas if it matters.



Why is my car insurance so high?

Just finished paying a year of car insurance at like 125 a month. Just got my new bill for the year. They want 195 atleast first month. Are there cheaper car insurance companies out there?



Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper?

Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper? Im currently Mr X but if i changed my title by deed poll (UK) i would be Miss X and this makes my insurance more than 50% cheeper for my car? Think its possible and/or worth it?



How much more would my car insurance cost if I went from having a 96 honda civic to a 2000 BMW 328i?

I'm getting a 2000 bmw 328i... I have a honda civic already. My insurance was like 1200 for the whole year I think... already paid it in full. I'm 19, with no accident history, no speeding tickets, never arrested; I don't really have anything that would make my insurance go up to my name. I live in MA, so i guess I can't get gieco or allstate or whatever..



Is health insurance haram?

Hey, We're supposed to write an essay on any topic of our choice and show it relates to well being and opportunity in Canada while addressing inequalities (that part is optional). I'm thinking of writing on Private Health Insurance in Canada. But first i wanna know if health insurance is haram. Also what can I focus on on in terms of health insurance. Should I focus on their good side/bad side, etc. Any suggestions?



What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?

What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?



Can You set up your own car insurance company?

was wondering about the possibility of starting up my own insurance company covering cars. do i need a license to do this. do i have to make myself known to anyone that i am insuring people to drive, eg.The Gardai or something?Thanks for the help..I live in Ireland aswell



VW Golf third-party insurance for a new driver?

Looking at getting a car, just passed my test and considering a VW Golf Mk4 (1.4 - 1.6l as a max) I'm not 17, I'm 20 - Would this go in my favour? How much can I expect to be paying, is it manageable?



High School Sport Insurance?

If i want to join track for high school as a freshman and i don't think i have health insurance... do i need it to join?



Affordable Florida Group Health Insurance Question:?

Where's the best site on affordable florida group health insurance? I've looked everywhere. Sometime searching is just a pain. Anyone with some ideas or links to share? Thanks.



Want better insurance coverage??

It looks like that because of the conflicting passages in the ACA that you just might be able to qualify for better coverage by renouncing your American citizenship.



Can a car insurance company raise your rates for an accident that wasn't your fault?

OK, I recently switched car insurance companies because the quote they gave me over the phone was lower than what I was paying before. I told them honestly about all the tickets I had in the past 5 years. But in the mail today, I find that they are charging me an extra $20 per month because of an accident that WASN'T MY FAULT. I was rear-ended and not cited. Is this legal?


best price car insurance

best price car insurance